Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What Is Live Wallpaper?
- Live wallpaper, also known as animated wallpaper, is an image file format, usually in JPEG, used as the background on a computer or smartphone. Unlike static wallpapers, live wallpapers are dynamic and interactive, featuring animations that move when the device is in use, or even without user interaction.
How Can I Use Live Wallpaper?
- You can use live wallpapers with our Wallshub New Tab extension, available for download from the Chrome Web Store. For detailed instructions, please refer to our "Learn How" section.
What If I Cannot Open the Website?
- Some browsers may not support the latest version of SSL/TLS, such as the 360 Browser in China. Please try using another browser. The primary supported browsers are Chrome, Opera, and Firefox.
What Types of Wallpaper Are Available?
- Most of our wallpapers are live or animated, including video/MP4 wallpapers.
What Criteria Lead to the Banning of Wallpapers?
- Wallpapers may be banned due to poor quality, such as being blurry, overly stretched, or pixelated. Additionally, certain categories, such as creepy, guro, suicide, hentai, and sexual content, are prohibited.
How Can I Watch an Entire Anime?
- Our website is not intended for watching anime. To watch anime, you can check which TV channels are broadcasting the anime in your country. For completed series, consider purchasing or renting the original Blu-ray/DVDs.
How Can I Support the Site?
- You can support us by clicking on ads once a day. Additionally, donations are possible through PayPal.